Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week Seventeen!

Well, it has finally arrived... Week 17 and the last week of our New Testament challenge! Let me invite you to comment below on how you've been blessed through this journey together. I've enjoyed leading my class through it... there have been some ups & downs. We've fallen behind at times, and caught up. This week my Seniors are preparing for their FINAL so I'm afraid we won't have much time to discuss the final chapter of God's great story... in the book of Revelation. Maybe we'll save some time when we come back in January to tie it all together. Regardless, I hope it has been a beneficial and challenging experience for you. Here's this week's study guide & questions...

Daily Reading Guide:
Monday 2nd John 1; 3rd John 1; Jude
Tuesday Revelation 1-6
Wednesday Revelation 7-12
Thursday Revelation 13-18
Friday Revelation 19-22

Study Questions:
What does John say has given him ‘great joy’?
Who did John write 3rd John to? What has given him joy regarding him?
Who is Jude? (cf. Matt. 13:55; Jude 1:1)
How would you summarize the message of Jude?

The Revelation Introductories:
Who penned the Revelation?
Where was he?
What happened to prompt the writing?
The word Revelation means…
What is the message of Revelation? (good question!)
List the seven churches identified in Rev. 2-3 and describe the good & bad characteristics of each

What were the four living creatures saying to the one who sits on the throne in ch. 4?
What do you think may be the significance of the ‘Lamb’ depicted in ch. 5? Who is the ‘lamb of God”? (John 1:29; Isaiah 53:7)
How does ch. 12 describe Satan?
What is the eventual outcome for Satan? (ch. 20)
How does ch. 21 & 22 describe ‘the end’?
Is it really the end, or is it a new beginning?
What tree is mentioned again in ch. 22? When was the last time in the Bible we read about it? Where was it? What does this symbolize for us, do you suppose?
Who is ‘coming soon’, according to Rev. 22?
Why would it be wrong to add to or take away from the words in this book of prophecy? Do you think this applies to the rest of Scripture as well? Why or why not?
Do you often pray, “Yes. Come, Lord Jesus!” like John in 21:20? Why or why not?

Journal Thoughts:
• Have you ever been with somebody who was really sick, maybe with cancer or a terminal
illness? How would Rev. 21:1-4 give them some comfort?
• Do you envision the end of time being a scary or exciting time? Why?
• What do you look MOST forward to about Jesus’ return and heaven?
End of 2nd Quarter/ 1st Semester

Memory Verse:
3 John 11

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week Sixteen:

Daily Readings:
Monday Hebrews 11-13
Tuesday James 1-4
Wednesday James 5; 1st Peter 1-3
Thursday 1st Peter 4-5; 2nd Peter 1-3
Friday 1st John 1-5

Discussion Questions:
How does Hebrews define ‘faith’?
Why is Hebrews 11 sometimes called the “Hall of Faith” chapter?
List some of the people (men & women) who are commended for their faith in Hebrews 11… and what they did to be named here…

How should we run ‘the race marked out for us’?
What does it mean that Jesus is the ‘author & perfecter’ of our faith?
What is Mr. Black’s favorite Bible verse THIS week?
“Let us fix our _______ on __________, the ________ &
_________ of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the ________
scorning its _________, and sat down at the right hand of the __________ of God.”

What do you know about James?
Who was his slightly more famous older brother? (Matt: 13:55)
Was he a believer in Jesus at first? Jn 7:2-5)
What role did he play in the early church? (Acts 15)
Why is James thought of as a very ‘practical’ book for Christians?
“Do not merely __________ to the Word and so _________ yourselves,
________ what it says!” (James __ :___ )
What advice for daily Christian living does James give us? There’s a lot! Name a few...

What does James say about ‘faith’ & ‘works’? What is the role of works/ deeds?
Do you think this contradicts what Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-10? Why or why not?
How doe James describe ‘wisdom’ in ch. 3?
What does James say causes fights & quarrels among Christians? What can we do to avoid these

1st & 2nd Peter…
What do you know about Peter? (you should remember a lot from reading Acts!)
How does he describe the Christians that he is writing to?
In what way are Christians ‘strangers in the world’? What does he mean?
What does it mean to be ‘holy’? Can we be perfect?
How is Jesus both a ‘cornerstone’ and a ‘stumbling block’? (1st Peter 2)
Why does Peter admonish Christians to submit to the authorities?
What command does Peter give to his fellow elders who are shepherds in God’s church?
How does 2 Peter 20-21 describe how the Bible is inspired of God? Who wrote the words? Where did the words come from? (cf. 2 Timothy 3:16)
What is the main overarching point that John emphasizes over & over?
Who is called the “anti-Christ” in 1st John 2:22

Journal Thoughts:
• Who are your ‘heroes’… people you look up to and admire? Think of 2 or 3. What is it that
you admire about them? Describe…
• Describe a time when you were in a situation and felt ‘out of place’ because of your beliefs.
How do you think early Christians must have felt?

Memory Verse:
James 1:22

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week Fifteen:

Daily Readings:
Monday 1st Timothy 1-5
Tuesday 1st Timothy 6; 2nd Timothy 1-4
Wednesday Titus 1-3; Philemon 1; Hebrews 1
Thursday Hebrews 2-6
Friday Hebrews 7-10

Discussion Questions:
Who is Timothy & what do we know about him? (cf. Acts 16)
Where did he first learn the faith? From whom?
Describe the type relationship he had with Paul…
Where was Timothy when Paul wrote this letter to him?
Was Timothy Jewish or Gentile?
What warning does Paul give Timothy in ch. 1?
What instructions regarding worship does Paul give Timothy in ch. 2?
How does he describe ‘modest dress’ in his day? How would you apply this principle today?
What church leaders does Paul describe in ch. 3?
What qualities should a church look for in its overseers?
What qualities should a church look for in its deacons?
What is a deacon? What do deacons do? (cf. Acts 6)
Who is responsible for the care of widows?
How should young men regard older women? Younger women?
What is the root of all evil?
“_______ the evil desires of youth, and pursue ___________,
___________, __________, & ___________.”
(2 Tim. ___:____)
Who deserted Paul and gone to Thessalonica? Why?
Note 2nd Tim. 4:11… Who is this ‘Mark’ and how does it answer a question we discussed way back in Acts 13?
Note 2nd Tim. 4:19…. Where have we met Priscilla & Aquila before?
Where had Paul left Titus to minister?
What can you tell of the situation in the church there?
What does Paul tell Titus about our responsibility to the authorities/ rulers?
Who was Philemon?
Why did Paul write this little letter to Philemon? What was it concerning?
Hebrews Introductories:
No official author is given for Hebrews… who do you suppose might have written it?
Is Hebrews primarily Jewish or Gentile in character?
How can you tell?
How did God speak to his people ‘in the past’?
How has he now spoken for all time?
God’s Son is described as superior to what?
And yet he was made… ?
Who is called the ‘great high priest’ in Hebrews? Why?
What offering has been made “once and for all”?

Journal Thoughts:
• Who would you consider to be a mentor in your life? What kind of advice, instruction or
example has he or she given you that has made an impact on you?
• Are there folks in your church who demonstrate the kind of qualities listed for overseers or
deacons in 1st Timothy & Titus? Brainstorm some ways that you could encourage them or
thank them for their Godly example. Pick one and do it this weekend!

Memory Verse:
2 Timothy 1:7-8

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a great Thanksgiving break next week! There are no "daily readings" scheduled due to the break, so use this time to catch up if you've gotten behind... read ahead... or try reading something a little different, maybe some thanksgiving texts from the Psalms. There are only three weeks left when we get back to school! Can you believe it? Are you keeping up with our New Testament Challenge?

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week Fourteen

Daily Readings:
Monday Ephesians 3-5
Tuesday Ephesians 6; Philippians 1-2
Wednesday Philippians 3-4; Colossians 1-2
Thursday Colossians 3-4; 1st Thessalonians 1-4
Friday 1st Thessalonians 5; 2nd Thessalonians 1-3

What is the ‘mystery of Christ’ Paul speaks of in Eph. 3?
KEY VERSE: Eph 2:8-10
It is by ___________ you have been saved through __________, this not
of yourselves it is the gift of God- NOT by __________ so that no one can boast. For
we are God’s __________ created in Christ Jesus to do _________
__________, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
What does Paul pray for the Ephesians?
How can we ‘live a life worthy of the calling you (we) have received”?
What is Paul’s advice to wives & husbands?
… to children & parents?
… to slaves & masters?
Describe the “Armor of God”…. (draw a picture & label it)
Where was Paul when he wrote the letter to the Philippians?
How does Paul describe Christ’s attitude (Phil 2) and how OUR attitude should be?
Where was Paul’s confidence?
What ‘prize’ was Paul pressing ahead towards?

Who is the ‘image of the invisible God’… what does this mean about who Jesus is?
List some of the ‘rules for Holy living’ Paul gives in Col 3…
Who is Tychicus?
Whose cousin does Paul mention in Col 4:10?
In what modern day country is Thessalonica?
What kind of news had Timothy brought to Paul concerning the Thessalonians?
What did Paul tell the Thessalonians about Christ’s return?
How is the picture of Christ’s return in 1 Thess 4 encouraging? Frightening? Exciting? Sad?
How can we ‘pray without ceasing’? (1 Thess 4:17)
What is the message of 2nd Thessalonians?

Journal Thoughts:
• What piece of armor do you need to add to your suit of armor?
• Write a brief first-hand account of Christ’s return as if you are an eyewitness…

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week Thirteen

Daily Readings:
Monday 1st Corinthians 16; 2nd Corinthians 1-4
Tuesday 2nd Corinthians 5-8
Wednesday 2nd Corinthians 9-13
Thursday Galatians 1-4
Friday Galatians 5-6; Ephesians 1-2

What does Paul instruct the Corinthian church to do about a ‘collection’?
What was it going to be used for?
Why do you suppose they were to do it “on the first day of the week”?
According to 2 Cor. 1, why does God comfort us in our troubles?
How does Paul describe his ministry?
In 2 Cor. 4:4 Paul mentions the ‘god of this age’. Who do you think he’s talking about?
“So we fix our eyes not on what is _______ but on what is ________. For what is
seen is __________, but what is unseen is _________ .” Where is this
What is our ‘earthly tent’ a reference to? (cf. 2 Cor. 5:1) our ‘building from God’?
Name some of Paul’s hardships….
What does Paul commend the churches in Macedonia for? (2 Cor. 8)
What was the purpose of the gift in 2 Cor 9:1?
Who did Paul send to Corinth to help them?
Galatia? Can you find it on a map?
What cities were prominent in Galatia?
How would you describe the main theme of Galatians?
What two groups of people were at odds in Galatia?
Why did Paul oppose Peter? (Gal. 2)
What was the purpose of the O.T. law according to Galatians 3:24?
Can anyone be justified (i.e. made right with God) by obeying God’s law?
Why was the time perfect for Christ to be born (Gal 4:4)?
Where was Ephesus located? Is it a country, region or city?
List the fruits of the Spirit…
What does Paul praise the Ephesians for in Eph. 1?
How is Christ our ‘peace’? (Eph 2:14)
Instead of ‘foreigners & aliens’, how does Paul describe Gentiles who have come to Christ in Eph. 2?

Journal Thoughts:
• What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through? How might you use that experience to help someone else going through something similar?
• Have you ever felt like a foreigner or alien? How did it make you feel? What do you think the
Gentiles must have felt like to discover that now- thru Christ- they, too could be accepted
into the Kingdom of God… God’s family?

Memory Verse:
Ephesians 2:8-10

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week Twelve

Daily Reading:
Monday Romans 15-16; 1st Corinthians 1-2
Tuesday 1st Corinthians 3-6
Wednesday 1st Corinthians 7-10
Thursday 1st Corinthians 11-13
Friday 1st Corinthians 14-15

1st Corinthians Introductories:
Who wrote it?
What do you remember about Corinth?
What is Paul’s biggest criticism in ch. 1 concerning what he has heard about the Christians in Corinth?
What is the problem?
What is the problem in ch. 5 that Paul addresses?
What does he tell the church to do about it? Why?
What does Paul instruct Christians to do when they have a dispute with one another? Take each other to Judge Judy?
Why is ‘sexual immorality’ wrong according to ch. 6:12-20?
What is Paul’s advice for married folks?
Should a Christian eat food that has been ‘sacrificed to idols’? Why or why not?
What might be a modern-day application to the principle learned in ch. 8 about food sacrificed to
Why did Paul make himself a slave to everyone? (hint: ch. 9)
What problem was the church having with the Lord’s Supper?
What did Paul instruct them to do to correct the problem?
What is a ‘spiritual gift’? List some of the ones mentioned in ch. 12…
Why does God give spiritual gifts? What is their purpose?
How is the metaphor of the body a perfect way to describe the church?
What is the “most excellent way”?
Why is chapter 13 often read at weddings?
What is the purpose of speaking in tongues, according to ch. 14? What does Paul say about it?
Why do you think he is concerned about ‘orderly worship’? What must have been going on in
What is the “most important thing” according to Paul in ch. 15?
Describe the ‘resurrection body’ that we will be given.

Journal Thoughts:
• Can you think of a problem that your church has faced and how the leaders of your church
dealt with it? How did it affect you or your family?
• How can you work to strengthen the “one-ness”, the unity, of your church or youth group?

Memory Verse:
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, October 25, 2010

Week Eleven:

Daily Reading:
Monday Acts 27-28
Tuesday Romans 1-3
Wednesday Romans 4-7
Thursday Romans 8-10
Friday Romans 11-14

What happens to Paul on the way to Rome?

Why does Acts end without telling us whatever happened to Paul? To Peter?

Romans Introductories:
Who wrote it?
What is its main theme?

How has God revealed himself to us (mankind)?

Who has sinned and fallen short the glory of God? How many?

What does it mean to be ‘justified’?

What does the word ‘propitiation’ mean? (3:25)

Who was this sacrifice of atonement?

How was Abraham justified?

How did sin enter in to the world?

How does righteousness?

How does Paul illustrate the meaning of baptism in ch. 6?

Key verse: 6:23
“The wages of sin is _________, but the gift of God is ___________”

What does this verse mean?

Based on ch. 7, what do you think Paul struggled with the most?

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Where is this verse found?

Does Romans 8:28 tell us that only good things will ever happen to Christians? Explain…

Who are the ‘ingrafted branches’ mentioned in ch. 11?

How does ch. 12 define worship?

According to ch. 13, what is the role of government? What should be our response to government? Why?

How does Paul’s instruction in ch. 14 help Christians get along with each other when we sometimes disagree about things? What does he tell us to do… and how?

Journal Thoughts:
In your Christian walk, what do you struggle with the most?
How would you describe your relationship to Jesus right now? Best buds? Distant friends? Mere acquaintances? Former friends? Elaborate…

Memory Verse:
Romans 1:16

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week Ten

Daily Readings:
Monday Acts 13-15
Tuesday Acts 16-17
Wednesday Acts 18-20
Thursday Acts 21-22
Friday Acts 23-26

How were Barnabas & Saul chosen for their first missionary journey?

Saul & Barnabas had all kinds of exciting adventures traveling about sharing Jesus with people. What story or event was the most exciting to you?

Why did the ‘council’ of Christian leaders come together to meet in Jerusalem in Acts 15? What issue was at stake?

Who did Paul meet in Lystra who would later become a trusted student and friend?

Who did the apostles meet by the river in Philippi? What did she do when she heard the gospel?

List the conversion stories in Acts:

Why did Paul & Barnabas part company?

What partner did Paul pick up after he and Barnabas split?

What happened to Paul & Silas in Berea?

What upset Paul in Athens?

What did Apollos misunderstand about the gospel?

How did Aquila & Priscilla lovingly correct him?

Why were some believers in Ephesus baptized again?

Why was Demetrius (in Ephesus) so upset with the apostles?

In chapter 22, we find out more about Paul’s background…. What do we learn?

How was Paul’s trials similar to the trials Jesus went through?

How does Paul defend himself?

Journal Thoughts:
Does your church support any foreign missionaries? Who are they? Interview someone in your church (minister, elder or mission committee member) to find out more about them…
How are you continuing the story of Acts today? What are we doing to share the good news of Jesus wherever we go?

Memory Verse: Acts 13:47

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week Nine:

Welcome back from Fall Break! Let's get back to our reading of the New Testament together!

Daily Reading:
Monday Acts 1-2
Tuesday Acts 3-5
Wednesday Acts 6-7
Thursday Acts 8-9
Friday Acts 10-12

Questions for Discussion:
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
What OTHER New Testament book did he also write?
How does Acts continue the story of Jesus?
What is the book about?
How is the “Great Commision” given in Acts 1?
What does Jesus promise his disciples will come after he has gone?
What will the Holy Spirit Do?
What is the “ascension”?
Who was chosen to replace Judas? How? Who chose him?
Describe the day of Pentecost following Jesus’ ascension…
What miracle took place?
What message did Peter preach? Who was he preaching to?
What was the reaction of the crowd?
What did Peter tell them to do?
What is the importance of baptism?
How is the early church described?
What practices were the first Christians ‘devoted’ or committed to? (2:42-47)
Who ‘grew’ the church in those early days? The preacher? The elders? ?
Why were Peter & John hauled before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council?
What did Joseph (Barnabas) do to help the church? What impresses you about his example?
What was Ananias’ mistake? What was Saphira’s? How did God punish them?
What was the first problem the apostles had to deal with in the early church? (hint- ch. 6)
How did they act to resolve the problem?
How were these six men chosen? How are these men described?
Who was the first Christian martyr… to die for preaching the gospel?
Who is Saul and what was he doing to assist those stoning Stephen?
What Old Testament book was the Ethiopian reading from when Philip encountered him?
What was his response when Philip told him about Jesus?
Describe what God did to turn Saul’s direction in life…
What was the meaning of Peter’s dream in ch. 10? What implications did it have for the spread of the
gospel from that point forward?
How did the other Christians react to Peter’s new revelation and subsequent preaching to the Gentiles?
Where were the disciples FIRST called ‘Christians’?
How did Peter escape prison?

Journal Thoughts:
• What is the hardest thing for you about sharing the good news of Jesus with others?
• If you are a Christian, describe your conversion experience. When did you commit your life to
Christ? What brought you to that point? Why did you decide at that moment? What did you

Memory Verse:
Acts 2:38

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week Eight:

Daily Reading:
Monday John 9-10
Tuesday John 11-12
Wednesday John 13-15
Thursday John 16-18
Friday John 19-21

Study Questions:
How did the disciples view the blind man in ch. 9?
Why did the Pharisees take a stand against Jesus?
In what way is Jesus the “Good Shepherd”?
What is Mr. Black’s favorite Bible verse in the whole Bible (this week)?
What did Jesus do when he heard his friend, Lazarus, was sick? Why did this anger the sisters?
Quiz: what is the shortest verse in the Bible? But what does it tell you about the compassion of
What did Jesus mean when he said, “I am the Resurrection and the life”?
How long had Lazarus been in the grave when Jesus called him out?
What was the significance of the Jewish Passover?
What crazy, extravagant thing did Mary do for Jesus just before the Passover? Why do you suppose she did it?
How much was the jar of perfume worth? What do you think of Judas’ question?
Why did so many Jews refuse to see who Jesus really was?
Who refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet at first? Why did Jesus insist?
How does Jesus comfort his disciples in ch. 14? What does he promise them?
Why does Jesus say that it will be better for him to depart?
Why did Jesus say that the world would hate the disciples?
What does Jesus say the Holy Spirit would do when it comes?
Who does Jesus pray for in ch. 17-18?
John is the only gospel that tells us the name of the fellow whose ear got cut off by Peter… what was it?
Who was the first to discover the empty tomb? Is there any significance to the fact that it was a
What is the first thing she does?
Who refused to believe Jesus had risen until he saw him with his own eyes? Why?
How did Jesus reaffirm Peter after those denials?
What events recorded in John are NOT found anywhere else in Scripture?
Complete the following quote from Jesus in John: “I am the… “

Journal Thoughts:
• How would you rate your spiritual vision right now? Why?
• Whose death has affected you the most?

Memory Verse: John 11:25-26
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

End of 1st Quarter... Have a great Fall Break!!!
Be ready to start Acts 1 when we return next week...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week Seven:

Reading Schedule
Monday Luke 24
Tuesday John 1-3
Wednesday John 4-5
Thursday John 6
Friday John 7-8

Study Questions:
John Introductories:
Who wrote this gospel?
How is this gospel so completely different from the other three?
Who did he target his audience to?
Mark begins the story of Jesus at the Jordan River. Matthew begins it with the angel’s visit to Mary.
How far back does John go?
Why does John use the word “WORD” to describe Jesus?
Who describes Jesus as the “Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world?”
Who goes to tell Simon Peter about Jesus?
What did Jesus say about Nathanael? What a compliment, huh?
What was Jesus’ first miracle according to John? Where did it take place? Why did he do it?
Who snuck out under the cover of darkness to talk with Jesus further? Why at night?
Describe Jesus’ conversation with the woman at the well in Samaria. What was unusual about it? How did Jesus share the gospel with her? How did she try to evade the conversation? But what was the outcome?
What was going on at the pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem and what did Jesus do there?
In what way is Jesus the “Bread of life”?
How does Jesus respond when confronted with the case of a woman confronted in the act of adultery?

Journal Thoughts:
• Can you think of a time when you were facing harsh punishment for something you did to get
into trouble, and your parents were extra lenient with you? How did you feel in response?
• What tips about sharing the gospel can you learn from Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan
woman at the well in ch. 4?
• Brainstorm some ideas of ways WE can overcome social and ethnic barriers in our own
community to spread the gospel.

Memory Verse:
John 1:1-3

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week Six:

Sept 13-17

Monday Luke 13-14
Tuesday Luke 15-17
Wednesday Luke 18-19
Thursday Luke 20-21
Friday Luke 22-23

What was the reaction when Jesus healed a crippled woman after teaching in the synagogue? Why?
How did Jesus respond to the criticism?
What is the meaning of Jesus’ parable of the Narrow door in ch. 13?
Why does Jesus describe being a disciple in such extreme terms… such as in 14:25-34?
What three things are lost in ch. 15?
Why does the younger son (in the parable of the prodigal son) leave home? What does he hope to do?
How does he lose all of his money?
What is his father’s reaction when the son decides to return home?
Why does this make the older brother angry?
How does this parable describe God’s love for each of us?
What is the lesson of the Rich Man & Lazarus?
What happens when the poor man dies? What happens when the rich man dies? How are these two
fates different?
How many did Jesus heal from leprosy as he was traveling to Jerusalem in ch. 17? How many came back to thank him? Why do you suppose this is?
What is the lesson from the parable of the Persistent Widow?
What is the lesson from the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? How does this parable fly in the face of the culture of the 1st century?
Who was Zacchaeus and what did he do to see Jesus?
What did Jesus say to do about taxes when questioned in ch. 20?
What is the significance of the Last Supper?
What argument do the disciples get in just after the supper?
What happens in the garden when the guards show up to arrest Jesus?
Why do you think Peter disowns Jesus? Was he scared? Embarrassed? Disappointed? Confused?
What did the guards write on the sign to hang over Jesus’ head on the cross?
What happened in the Temple and around town when Jesus actually died?

Journal Thoughts:
• Have you ever been unfairly criticized? Can you think of a time… how did it make you feel?
What did you do to respond to it, if anything?
• Who would you go out of your way to see today… like Zacchaeus did to see Jesus? Why?

Memory Verse:
Luke 15:32
But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'" NIV

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Week Five:

Monday Luke 3-4
Tuesday Luke 5-6
Wednesday Luke 7-8
Thursday Luke 9-10
Friday Luke 11-12


Notice how Luke locates these events in history… who was the Emperor?
Who was governor of Judea?
Who was the tetrarch of Galilee
… the tetrarch of Iturea & Traconities?
… the tetrarch of Abilene?
… high priest?

What is different about the genealogy of Jesus in Luke compared to Matthew’s? Why do you suppose this is?

In the list of people in Jesus’ genealogy, which one surprises you the most to see there?

Who led Jesus into the desert to be tempted?

What temptations did the devil tempt Jesus with?

How did Jesus respond to the temptations?

Whose mother-in-law did Jesus heal in Capernaum?

Why do you suppose Jesus often withdrew to “lonely places” to pray? (cf. 5:16)

How are the blessings Jesus pronounces in ch. 6 so different from conventional wisdom?

What does Jesus say for us to do to our enemies? Why is this so difficult?

What did the centurion in Capernaum ask of Jesus?

How did the sinful woman in ch. 7 express her love for Christ?

What did Jesus do when confronted with the demon-possessed man in ch. 8? What did he say his name was? Why? Why must the owner of those pigs been upset?

What did James and John offer to do for Jesus when he was snubbed by the Samaritans?

What instructions did Jesus give to the 72 he sent out to spread the good news?

What question prompted Jesus to tell the story of the Good Samaritan?

Who were the Samaritans and why did Jews dislike them so?

How is the “punchline” of the Good Samaritan parable different from what the original hearers would have expected?

How did Mary and Martha act when they had Jesus over to their house? Which behavior did Jesus commend and which did he criticize? Why?

What did Jesus say about prayer in ch. 11?

Journal Thoughts:
How do you like to spend time with God? What time of day? What do you like to do the most… pray, read, journal, listen to music, meditate?
Re-tell the story of the Good Samaritan using modern-day terminology and examples…

Memory Verse:
Luke 6:27-28
But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week Four:

This week's reading:
Monday Mark 9-10
Tuesday Mark 11-13
Wednesday Mark 14
Thursday Mark 15-16
Friday Luke 1-2

Review Questions:
Who did Jesus take with him up the mount of Transfiguration?
What did they see and hear?
What did Jesus say about little children being brought to him?
In what way does he expect folks to be like little children in order to enter the kingdom of God?
What did James and John ask Jesus?
Whose sight did Jesus restore in Jericho?
What does ‘Hosanna’ mean? Why did the crowd shout it as Jesus entered into Jerusalem?
What made Jesus so angry when he entered the Temple in Jerusalem?
What did Jesus say was the “Greatest Commandment”?
What did the widow throw into the offering? Why did Jesus commend her so for it?
How does Mark’s version of the “Great Commission” compare with Matthew’s?

Luke Introductories:
Who was Luke?
What was his profession?
What other book did Luke write?
Who did Luke address his book to?
Who are John the Baptist’s parents?
What was their reaction when they were told that they would have a child in their old age?
Does this remind you of any Old Testament characters?
Where is Jesus born?
Why did Mary & Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem?
What group was the first to receive the news that “A Savior has been born to you…”?
What did Simeon say about Jesus?
What happened at the Temple when Jesus was about twelve?

Journal Thoughts:
• This week we’ve read about both the birth and the death of Jesus… two hugely significant
events. Which one do you find yourself thinking about more often? Why? Which is more
• What do you do to honor or celebrate either the birth or the resurrection of Jesus in your

Memory Verse: Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." NIV

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week Three:

Monday Matthew 26-27
Tuesday Matthew 28 – Mark 1
Wednesday Mark 2-4
Thursday Mark 5-6
Friday Mark 7-8

The Big Ideas”
What religious feast was Jesus celebrating with his disciples when he instituted the “Lord’s Supper”?
How did Jesus give new meaning to the bread and the cup as a part of the “Lord’s Supper” meal?
How many times did Jesus say Peter would deny him?
Where did Jesus take his disciples after the final supper? What did he go there to do?
Who betrayed Jesus? How? For what?
What became of Judas?
What was the Sanhedrin?
Why did Pilate send Jesus to Herod?
Who did Pilate offer up for release with Jesus? Who did the crowds choose?
What is ‘crucifixion’? How was it a particularly painful method of execution?
How long did Jesus hang on the cross?
How long did Jesus stay in the tomb?
Who donated his tomb for Jesus’ body?
What is the “Great Commission”?
Mark: Introductories
Who was Mark?
Who was Mark’s primary audience?
How is Mark’s gospel different from Matthew’s?
In Mark’s early chapters, Jesus’ healings & miracles are emphasized. Name 3 such occasions
Who is Levi?
How did Jesus respond when his mother and brothers came to see about him in ch. 3?
What is the lesson of the parable of the mustard seed?
How does Jesus demonstrate his power over nature? … over the supernatural?
What did Jairus ask of Jesus?
Who interrupted Jesus on the way to see about Jairus’ daughter?
How was Jesus received in his hometown?
Why did some believe that Jesus was John the Baptist “returned from the dead”? What had happened
to John?
What did Jesus use to feed the crowd of 5,000 who had gathered to hear him speak?

Journal Thoughts:
• Have you ever been in a situation where you felt awkward being a believer or almost
embarrassed to be a Christian? Describe…
• How does the Lord’s Supper help you focus on who Jesus was and what he did for you? Can
you think of a time when the supper has been especially meaningful for you?

Memory Verse:
Matthew 28:19-20

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week Two:

Monday Matthew 14-16

Tuesday Matthew 17-19

Wednesday Matthew 20-22

Thursday Matthew 23-24

Friday Matthew 25

The Big Ideas”

How and why did John the Baptist die? Who killed him?

Who walked on water with Jesus? What happened & why?

Who was Jesus talking about when he quoted, “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me?”

Who was the first to confess that Jesus was the Messiah?

Who did Jesus call ‘Satan’ for his irreverent and misguided remark just afterwards?

What was the “Transfiguration”? What happened to Jesus?

Who did the disciples see with Jesus on the mount of Transfiguration? Why?

Did Jesus recommend paying taxes?

How did Jesus instruct his disciples to handle a brother who commits a wrong to you?

What was the lesson of the Unmerciful Servant?

Based on Jesus’ comments in ch. 19, what is God’s intention for marriage?

What did Jesus ask the “rich young man” to do in order to be a follower?

What did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on for the final time? Why?

When did Jesus tell his disciples that he would return? What signs would there be?

What is the lesson of the parable of the Ten Bridesmaids in ch. 25?

Who are the ‘sheep’ and who are the ‘goats’?

Journal Thoughts:
What famous people would you love to meet? How do you think you would have responded if you had been with Jesus on the Mt. of Transfiguration that day?
If you were the rich young man, what would you have done? Do you have a prized possession that you would find difficult to give up?

Memory Verse:
Matthew 16:16-17
16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
17 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. NIV

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Memory Verse for Week One

We have gone through our reading schedule and selected some great verses for us to commit to memory each week! These will be a part of our weekly emphasis and WILL BE ON THE TEST! Here's the verse for week one... what a great one to start off with!

Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered, "It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week One:

Reading Plan:
Monday Matthew 1-4
Tuesday Matthew 5-7
Wednesday Matthew 8-9
Thursday Matthew 10-12
Friday Matthew 13

Define gospel
Who wrote this gospel?
What was his profession?
Why do you suppose there four gospels? What are their differences?
Who does Matthew target his gospel to? What audience?
Why do you think Matthew begins his gospel with such a long genealogy? How far back does he trace
Jesus’ ancestry? Why is this important?
Why do you think he uses so many Old Testament quotations? Identify 3 or 4
What does the term “Messiah” mean? In what way was Jesus the Messiah?
Why is Matthew 5:17 a “key verse” to understanding Jesus in Matthew?
Who were Jesus’ earthly parents?
What was Jesus’ hometown?
Who told them that Jesus was on the way? What was their reaction?
Where was Jesus born? Why?
Describe John’s message as he was preaching in the wilderness
Who were the first disciples to be called by Jesus? What were they doing? How did they respond?
What is a “beatitude”?
What was Jesus’ message in the Sermon on the Mount? What did he say about:
…how to treat your enemies?
…giving to the needy?
Name the twelve apostles:
What is the “sign of Jonah”?
Name the four different kinds of soil in Jesus’ parable of the sower… How does this parable relate to
Know these main characters:
John the Baptist

Journal Thoughts:
• Have you ever had to wait a long time for something? What was it? Was it worth the wait?
How do you think God’s people must have felt having to wait so long for the Messiah?
• How is Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount so “counter-cultural” today?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Journey Begins...

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, but when was the last time you sat down to read it straight through? Have you ever read the Bible from cover to cover? What about just the New Testament? This year, the RCA community is endeavoring to read through the entire New Testament from Matthew to Revelation together... won't you join us?

In the pages of this blog, you'll find resources to help us do this together, keeping ourselves accountable and making the journey through Scripture come alive, as we seek not only to read God's Word, but to live it every day. We want to encourage each other and your thoughts may help somebody else understand something a little bit better. We invite you to post your thoughts and comments as we read together. Go to the link "Reading Plan" to download a copy of our schedule. We'll be reading about 3-4 chapters a day... Monday - Friday with breaks during the weekends and week-long holidays (Fall Break & Thanksgiving Break)... you can use those to catch up if you get behind!

We also invite you to subscribe to this blog so that you'll recieve e-mail notifications as new articles are posted. As we go, book introductions will be posted, providing some background information on each of the 27 books of our New Testament. Also, you'll find study guide questions which our Middle & High School students will be discussing in their Bible classes at Riverside. These will also include "journaling thoughts" questions which are intended to help our students apply God's truths to their real world situations.

In addition to our Middle & High School students, we are inviting the entire faculty, staff, Board of Directors and RCA families to join us in this challenge. Won't you read along with us?