Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week Thirteen

Daily Readings:
Monday 1st Corinthians 16; 2nd Corinthians 1-4
Tuesday 2nd Corinthians 5-8
Wednesday 2nd Corinthians 9-13
Thursday Galatians 1-4
Friday Galatians 5-6; Ephesians 1-2

What does Paul instruct the Corinthian church to do about a ‘collection’?
What was it going to be used for?
Why do you suppose they were to do it “on the first day of the week”?
According to 2 Cor. 1, why does God comfort us in our troubles?
How does Paul describe his ministry?
In 2 Cor. 4:4 Paul mentions the ‘god of this age’. Who do you think he’s talking about?
“So we fix our eyes not on what is _______ but on what is ________. For what is
seen is __________, but what is unseen is _________ .” Where is this
What is our ‘earthly tent’ a reference to? (cf. 2 Cor. 5:1) our ‘building from God’?
Name some of Paul’s hardships….
What does Paul commend the churches in Macedonia for? (2 Cor. 8)
What was the purpose of the gift in 2 Cor 9:1?
Who did Paul send to Corinth to help them?
Galatia? Can you find it on a map?
What cities were prominent in Galatia?
How would you describe the main theme of Galatians?
What two groups of people were at odds in Galatia?
Why did Paul oppose Peter? (Gal. 2)
What was the purpose of the O.T. law according to Galatians 3:24?
Can anyone be justified (i.e. made right with God) by obeying God’s law?
Why was the time perfect for Christ to be born (Gal 4:4)?
Where was Ephesus located? Is it a country, region or city?
List the fruits of the Spirit…
What does Paul praise the Ephesians for in Eph. 1?
How is Christ our ‘peace’? (Eph 2:14)
Instead of ‘foreigners & aliens’, how does Paul describe Gentiles who have come to Christ in Eph. 2?

Journal Thoughts:
• What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever been through? How might you use that experience to help someone else going through something similar?
• Have you ever felt like a foreigner or alien? How did it make you feel? What do you think the
Gentiles must have felt like to discover that now- thru Christ- they, too could be accepted
into the Kingdom of God… God’s family?

Memory Verse:
Ephesians 2:8-10

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