Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week Four:

This week's reading:
Monday Mark 9-10
Tuesday Mark 11-13
Wednesday Mark 14
Thursday Mark 15-16
Friday Luke 1-2

Review Questions:
Who did Jesus take with him up the mount of Transfiguration?
What did they see and hear?
What did Jesus say about little children being brought to him?
In what way does he expect folks to be like little children in order to enter the kingdom of God?
What did James and John ask Jesus?
Whose sight did Jesus restore in Jericho?
What does ‘Hosanna’ mean? Why did the crowd shout it as Jesus entered into Jerusalem?
What made Jesus so angry when he entered the Temple in Jerusalem?
What did Jesus say was the “Greatest Commandment”?
What did the widow throw into the offering? Why did Jesus commend her so for it?
How does Mark’s version of the “Great Commission” compare with Matthew’s?

Luke Introductories:
Who was Luke?
What was his profession?
What other book did Luke write?
Who did Luke address his book to?
Who are John the Baptist’s parents?
What was their reaction when they were told that they would have a child in their old age?
Does this remind you of any Old Testament characters?
Where is Jesus born?
Why did Mary & Joseph have to travel to Bethlehem?
What group was the first to receive the news that “A Savior has been born to you…”?
What did Simeon say about Jesus?
What happened at the Temple when Jesus was about twelve?

Journal Thoughts:
• This week we’ve read about both the birth and the death of Jesus… two hugely significant
events. Which one do you find yourself thinking about more often? Why? Which is more
• What do you do to honor or celebrate either the birth or the resurrection of Jesus in your

Memory Verse: Mark 10:45
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." NIV

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