Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week Six:

Sept 13-17

Monday Luke 13-14
Tuesday Luke 15-17
Wednesday Luke 18-19
Thursday Luke 20-21
Friday Luke 22-23

What was the reaction when Jesus healed a crippled woman after teaching in the synagogue? Why?
How did Jesus respond to the criticism?
What is the meaning of Jesus’ parable of the Narrow door in ch. 13?
Why does Jesus describe being a disciple in such extreme terms… such as in 14:25-34?
What three things are lost in ch. 15?
Why does the younger son (in the parable of the prodigal son) leave home? What does he hope to do?
How does he lose all of his money?
What is his father’s reaction when the son decides to return home?
Why does this make the older brother angry?
How does this parable describe God’s love for each of us?
What is the lesson of the Rich Man & Lazarus?
What happens when the poor man dies? What happens when the rich man dies? How are these two
fates different?
How many did Jesus heal from leprosy as he was traveling to Jerusalem in ch. 17? How many came back to thank him? Why do you suppose this is?
What is the lesson from the parable of the Persistent Widow?
What is the lesson from the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? How does this parable fly in the face of the culture of the 1st century?
Who was Zacchaeus and what did he do to see Jesus?
What did Jesus say to do about taxes when questioned in ch. 20?
What is the significance of the Last Supper?
What argument do the disciples get in just after the supper?
What happens in the garden when the guards show up to arrest Jesus?
Why do you think Peter disowns Jesus? Was he scared? Embarrassed? Disappointed? Confused?
What did the guards write on the sign to hang over Jesus’ head on the cross?
What happened in the Temple and around town when Jesus actually died?

Journal Thoughts:
• Have you ever been unfairly criticized? Can you think of a time… how did it make you feel?
What did you do to respond to it, if anything?
• Who would you go out of your way to see today… like Zacchaeus did to see Jesus? Why?

Memory Verse:
Luke 15:32
But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'" NIV

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