Monday, October 25, 2010

Week Eleven:

Daily Reading:
Monday Acts 27-28
Tuesday Romans 1-3
Wednesday Romans 4-7
Thursday Romans 8-10
Friday Romans 11-14

What happens to Paul on the way to Rome?

Why does Acts end without telling us whatever happened to Paul? To Peter?

Romans Introductories:
Who wrote it?
What is its main theme?

How has God revealed himself to us (mankind)?

Who has sinned and fallen short the glory of God? How many?

What does it mean to be ‘justified’?

What does the word ‘propitiation’ mean? (3:25)

Who was this sacrifice of atonement?

How was Abraham justified?

How did sin enter in to the world?

How does righteousness?

How does Paul illustrate the meaning of baptism in ch. 6?

Key verse: 6:23
“The wages of sin is _________, but the gift of God is ___________”

What does this verse mean?

Based on ch. 7, what do you think Paul struggled with the most?

“If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Where is this verse found?

Does Romans 8:28 tell us that only good things will ever happen to Christians? Explain…

Who are the ‘ingrafted branches’ mentioned in ch. 11?

How does ch. 12 define worship?

According to ch. 13, what is the role of government? What should be our response to government? Why?

How does Paul’s instruction in ch. 14 help Christians get along with each other when we sometimes disagree about things? What does he tell us to do… and how?

Journal Thoughts:
In your Christian walk, what do you struggle with the most?
How would you describe your relationship to Jesus right now? Best buds? Distant friends? Mere acquaintances? Former friends? Elaborate…

Memory Verse:
Romans 1:16

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week Ten

Daily Readings:
Monday Acts 13-15
Tuesday Acts 16-17
Wednesday Acts 18-20
Thursday Acts 21-22
Friday Acts 23-26

How were Barnabas & Saul chosen for their first missionary journey?

Saul & Barnabas had all kinds of exciting adventures traveling about sharing Jesus with people. What story or event was the most exciting to you?

Why did the ‘council’ of Christian leaders come together to meet in Jerusalem in Acts 15? What issue was at stake?

Who did Paul meet in Lystra who would later become a trusted student and friend?

Who did the apostles meet by the river in Philippi? What did she do when she heard the gospel?

List the conversion stories in Acts:

Why did Paul & Barnabas part company?

What partner did Paul pick up after he and Barnabas split?

What happened to Paul & Silas in Berea?

What upset Paul in Athens?

What did Apollos misunderstand about the gospel?

How did Aquila & Priscilla lovingly correct him?

Why were some believers in Ephesus baptized again?

Why was Demetrius (in Ephesus) so upset with the apostles?

In chapter 22, we find out more about Paul’s background…. What do we learn?

How was Paul’s trials similar to the trials Jesus went through?

How does Paul defend himself?

Journal Thoughts:
Does your church support any foreign missionaries? Who are they? Interview someone in your church (minister, elder or mission committee member) to find out more about them…
How are you continuing the story of Acts today? What are we doing to share the good news of Jesus wherever we go?

Memory Verse: Acts 13:47

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Week Nine:

Welcome back from Fall Break! Let's get back to our reading of the New Testament together!

Daily Reading:
Monday Acts 1-2
Tuesday Acts 3-5
Wednesday Acts 6-7
Thursday Acts 8-9
Friday Acts 10-12

Questions for Discussion:
Who wrote the Acts of the Apostles?
What OTHER New Testament book did he also write?
How does Acts continue the story of Jesus?
What is the book about?
How is the “Great Commision” given in Acts 1?
What does Jesus promise his disciples will come after he has gone?
What will the Holy Spirit Do?
What is the “ascension”?
Who was chosen to replace Judas? How? Who chose him?
Describe the day of Pentecost following Jesus’ ascension…
What miracle took place?
What message did Peter preach? Who was he preaching to?
What was the reaction of the crowd?
What did Peter tell them to do?
What is the importance of baptism?
How is the early church described?
What practices were the first Christians ‘devoted’ or committed to? (2:42-47)
Who ‘grew’ the church in those early days? The preacher? The elders? ?
Why were Peter & John hauled before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling council?
What did Joseph (Barnabas) do to help the church? What impresses you about his example?
What was Ananias’ mistake? What was Saphira’s? How did God punish them?
What was the first problem the apostles had to deal with in the early church? (hint- ch. 6)
How did they act to resolve the problem?
How were these six men chosen? How are these men described?
Who was the first Christian martyr… to die for preaching the gospel?
Who is Saul and what was he doing to assist those stoning Stephen?
What Old Testament book was the Ethiopian reading from when Philip encountered him?
What was his response when Philip told him about Jesus?
Describe what God did to turn Saul’s direction in life…
What was the meaning of Peter’s dream in ch. 10? What implications did it have for the spread of the
gospel from that point forward?
How did the other Christians react to Peter’s new revelation and subsequent preaching to the Gentiles?
Where were the disciples FIRST called ‘Christians’?
How did Peter escape prison?

Journal Thoughts:
• What is the hardest thing for you about sharing the good news of Jesus with others?
• If you are a Christian, describe your conversion experience. When did you commit your life to
Christ? What brought you to that point? Why did you decide at that moment? What did you

Memory Verse:
Acts 2:38